Let's Quokka-bout Gracie's Wish
7-year-old Gracie wished to go to Rottnest Island and 'take selfies' with the smiley animals who hold a special place in her heart.
A smile as loveable as the world-famous quokka!
Heart of Gold
Gracie is a brave and fun-loving 7-year-old with a heart of gold – she also loves to make everyone laugh and smile.
So, it’s only natural that Gracie fell in love with Quokkas and their infectious grins in the past year. Ever since she found out they existed; she has been obsessed.
Having first spotted a Quokka in an Australian movie – she quickly began researching more about the adorable animal, watching videos and wanting to know everything about them.

Gift From Grandma
Gracie’s grandma gave her a Quokka toy, and when she was having treatment and having surgeries her Quokka would always come in with her.
So, when Gracie’s wish to see Quokkas and take selfies came true – she was all smiles! Gracie got to take her whole family to spend time with Quokkas on Rottnest Island.
Rebekkah, Gracie’s mum says her favourite part of the whole trip was getting a kiss from a quokka!

We loved seeing the kids absolute joy when interacting with the quokkas, the quality family time without the stress of medical appointments and our normal responsibilities, riding around on bikes exploring the island and just taking in the absolute beauty of Rottnest!
Rebekah, Gracie's Mum
Dream Big For The Future
Gracie’s wish was of an urgent nature, as her medical team were unsure of how she would respond to her recent open-heart surgery for Marfan syndrome – meaning her wish to see the quokkas was fast tracked.
“Her wish being granted has shown Gracie that all her bravery and spirt getting through her surgeries was seen. It’s given her such a sense of accomplishment and pride that she was able to push through these recent tough times knowing that she had an amazing adventure ahead of her. Before her recent heart surgery, we kept telling her that once she healed she would be going on her amazing trip - so she would squeeze her make a wish coin and dream big for the future."

This wish being granted for Gracie has given her so much joy, and the memories we have of this trip will last us all a lifetime. She hasn't stopped talking about her trip, and her love for the quokkas. She loved the trip so much that she wants us to move there!