Viker’s Web-slinging Spider-Man Adventure Wish
From self-taught stuntman to acrobatic recruit, 6-year-old Viker leapt into his wish to help his favourite Super Hero save the day
Viker’s Origin Story
Just before his second birthday, Viker was rushed to hospital after his parents, Emily and Ben, noticed that he had lost his speech and was constantly falling over. It was in the emergency department that Emily and Ben were told that Viker had a life-threatening brain tumour and required intensive, extremely high-risk surgery.
Thankfully, Viker made it through his first surgery, but he still needed to undergo several other procedures before he was ready to leave the intensive care unit. But even after the tumour was fully removed from his brain, Viker’s journey to recovery would still remain a challenge.
Even after all he had been through in hospital, Viker summoned his strength and perseverance to re-learn how to walk and talk from scratch. Viker’s critical illness also took away his power to do what he wanted – leaving him unable to communicate, connect, and make friends.
“He badly wanted to make friends. Because he was so behind with his language, he couldn’t do it. He said things, but no one understood,” says Emily, Viker’s mum.
But through speech therapy and occupational therapy, Viker is catching up on his development.

Strength to Persevere
Even after all he had been through in hospital, Viker summoned the strength to re-learn how to walk and talk from scratch. Viker’s critical illness also took away his power to do what he wanted – leaving him unable to communicate, connect, and make friends.
“He badly wanted to make friends. Because he was so behind with his language, he couldn’t do it. He said things, but no one understood,” says Emily, Viker’s mum.
But through speech therapy and occupational therapy, Viker is catching up on his development.

Your Friendly Neighbourhood Viker
Emily says she wasn’t surprised that Viker wished “To go on a Spider-Man Adventure and save the day”.
“He absolutely loves Spider-Man. He’s got lots of Spider-Man costumes and toys. And he’s always doing moves and jumps, like his acrobatic hero.”
To help build up the anticipation of his wish, Viker received some web-mail which included Spider-Man postcards, a colouring book, and a hat, “which hardly leaves his head,” according to mum.
Viker also received a very special letter from Spider-Man, asking Viker to:
- Do five things at home or around your community showing great responsibility.
- Go to Super Hero training to learn some Spidey skills.

It’s given Viker something to focus on, away from the hard times he’s been through. It’s offered some happiness and let him feel good about himself.
Emily, Viker's mum
With Great Power...
…Comes great responsibility. This is the proverb that Spider-Man lives by, and that he shared with Viker. In addition to his responsibility skills, Viker was tasked with attending Super Hero training, which took place at the National Institute of Circus Arts.
Alongside other trainees, Viker learnt all the vital skills and poses to prepare him for saving the day with Spider-Man on his wish. From crawling and swinging, to jumping and tumbling, Viker mastered some of Spidey’s most iconic moves.

An Invitation to Marvel Stadium
Equipped with his newfound Super Hero skills, Viker was invited to Marvel Stadium, where he and Spider-Man embarked on an epic mission to find Woofer, the beloved mascot of the Western Bulldogs who mysteriously vanished before the team’s Round 23 match against North Melbourne.

Viker Saves the Day
Together, the dynamic duo set off on an exhilarating adventure around the stadium, searching high and low for Woofer. With moments to spare, Viker located Woofer (who had been cheekily snoozing in the change room), and helped him return to the field just in time for the big game.

Thank you, Viker!
Viker was awarded a special medallion for his heroic efforts in saving the day, presented by Spider-Man on the football field before the beginning of the match.
“To see him grow confidence, to see him light up, means so much...Viker definitely feels like a Super Hero,” said Emily.

To see him grow confidence, to see him light up, means so much...Viker definitely feels like a superhero.
Emily, Viker's mum