Eve's Turtle-y Wonderous Wish
After experiencing anxiety over her medical condition, 12-year-old Eve comes out of her shell, thanks to her wish.
Eve's passion for turtles
Much like turtles do, Eve enjoys spending time on land, as well as in the ocean. She adores the beach and is even learning how to surf! So as an aspiring marine biologist, beach-lover, and turtle-enthusiast, it’s no surprise that Eve wished for ‘The Ultimate Turtle Adventure on Heron Island.’
When asked what inspired her wish, Eve replied that she had been interested in turtles for many years before her wish.
“I really wanted to do something turtle based... and to meet someone who works with turtles.”

A shell of a time
Eve’s wish hatched into life with a snorkeling experience. Megan, Eve’s mum, recalls it as one of her daughter’s happiest moments.
“This giant turtle came right up to her when we went snorkeling and it was just staring in her face for so long and it kind of wrapped its flippers around her, like it was giving her a hug.”
Next up was Eve’s experience with the Junior Rangers, who took Eve under their wing to help her learn everything she could about turtles. This included tracking the nesting turtles that come up onto the beach every night and locating nests to conduct research.
But Eve’s wonderous wish was topped off by the magical experience of witnessing an eruption of approximately 100 turtle hatchlings on the beach after searching for a long time.

Eve just sat there. Everyone else was running around, but she was so enthralled with watching these hatchlings coming out of the sand and moving into the water. It was just so beautiful.
Megan, Eve's mum
Waves of impact
“Constantly. Constantly. Constantly.” This was Megan’s answer when asked if Eve and the family have been talking about her wish since it happened.
“It’s the whole lead up process as well, that’s been really lovely. It’s been a really nice thing to look forward to. It’s been something that people can talk about with her. It’s been a really positive experience all around. Every time she talks about it, she’s so happy.”
Eve’s wish has also impacted her siblings in a really wonderful way, according to Megan.
“Eve’s two younger brothers also go through a lot with Eve’s hospital appointments and all that. So it was nice for them to feel included in this and that will have a really positive impact on them.”
Originally described as a happy, bubbly, and funny young girl, Eve has become quite anxious since her diagnosis, particularly in regard to her chest and liver issues.
“But for Eve, I think the wish has been invaluable. I think it’s had a way bigger impact on her than I even expected. Every time Make-A-Wish came up, she’d be excited.”
Megan mentioned that she thinks it helped Eve to feel less ashamed of her condition, and more proud.
“I think the wish will have a really positive impact on her and the way she sees her cystic fybrosis going forward.”