Make-A-Wish Australia wish kid Chelsea on her wish in Melbourne Make-A-Wish Australia wish kid Chelsea on her wish in Melbourne

Chelsea's Melbourne adventure

Chelsea wanted to forget about the endless hospital appointments and come to Melbourne and get dressed up for a photo shoot. Thanks to generous donors and supporters like you, Chelsea’s wish came true. This is her story.


Meet Chelsea

For Chelsea, 14, living with Hodgkin Lymphoma has meant a constant stream of hospital appointments, scans and awful side-effects from chemotherapy. Not much fun for anyone, but especially for a teenage girl who wanted to see more than hospital wards. She desperately wanted to be somewhere else.

Chelsea had not travelled very far, only a few places close to her Queensland home. But when she saw Melbourne on the TV show Postcards, she began thinking of the possibilities.

Make-A-Wish Australia wish kid Chelsea hugging her mum in Melbourne

The wish

A trip to Melbourne

Chelsea was captivated by Melbourne. The postcards painted such an appealing picture in her mind. It’s pretty landmarks, cool city laneways and distinctive fashion. Her wish was to visit Melbourne for the first time with her family and get dressed up for her very own fashion shoot. Everything from the plane trip to the hotels to wandering the CBD and seeing the funky places she wanted to visit excited Chelsea as her wish day approached.

Make-A-Wish Australia wish kid Chelsea standing on the bank of river in Melbourne

Make a life-changing difference

Wish Day

A special photo shoot

Chelsea's action-packed photo shoot day began at DECJUBA Melbourne Central, where the wonderful team greeted her with open arms, glittery cupcakes and clothes … lots of clothes!

With a few outfit changes and some styling input from the DECJUBA girls, Chelsea finally found the perfect outfit for her photo shoot.

After weaving in around city laneways in the new outfit, Chelsea then went to Hosier Lane to meet Sue the photographer.

Chelsea instantly felt in her comfort zone as Sue began to point the camera in Chelsea's direction. She looked every bit a professional model in action.

Wish Effect

The best day of her life

After a day spent dressed up in front of the camera, Chelsea and her family were so grateful and Chelsea continually said it was "the best day of her life".

“It really was everything I dreamed about while I had long days in hospital wishing to be somewhere else … anywhere else,” Chelsea said.

“Thank you so much Make-A-Wish. It was a special trip with my family to Melbourne for a week and its helped me look forward to having more and more happier times to look forward to.”

Make-A-Wish Australia wish kid Chelsea standing in Melbourne's Hosier Lane

I had something to be happy about, instead of thinking about being in hospital all the time and going to so many appointments and scans all the time and living with the awful side effects from chemotherapy.

Chelsea 14

The Wish Journey

How a wish comes to life

Make-A-Wish volunteers visit each child to capture their greatest wish, getting to the heart of what kids truly want and why. This profound insight is part of what makes Make-A-Wish unique, giving children full creative control and helping to shape their entire Wish Journey.

Back at Make-A-Wish HQ, we partner with families, volunteers and medical teams to design the ultimate wish experience - and start rallying our partners and supporters to help make it happen.

In the lead up to the wish, we take each child on a journey designed to build excitement and provide a welcome distraction from medical treatment. Anticipation can be incredibly powerful, helping to calm, distract and inspire sick kids at a time they need it most.

When the moment finally arrives, children get to experience their greatest wish come true - it's everything they've imagined and more. Pinch yourself, and don't forget to take a breath and enjoy every precious moment!

Wish impact studies show that a child's wish lives on, long after the moment. A wish gives more than just hope – with an incredible and lasting effect on the lives of sick kids, their families and wider communities.

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