Workplace Giving Hub
Free resources to copy, share and download to engage and encourage your staff to become Workplace Givers for Make-A-Wish.
What is Workplace Giving?
Looking for an easy way to make a difference? Become a Workplace Giver for Make-A-Wish Australia.
What's Workplace Giving? Workplace Givers donate a small amount regularly to Make-A-Wish. You contribute a small portion of your pre-tax salary and receive the tax benefit immediately. It's organised through the payroll system so once you've signed up, you don't need to do anything else. Your details aren't shared with Make-A-Wish unless you choose to notify them. All donations over $2 are tax deductible.
About Make-A-Wish
Make-A-Wish brings amazing people together to create inspiring Wish Journeys for critically ill kids that deliver anticipation, an unforgettable experience and a lasting impact for all.
Wishes transform the lives of everyone involved – from the child, and their family, to volunteers and the wider community.
Make-A-Wish doesn’t receive government funding and rely on supporters like you to help wishes come true.

Your impact
Here's how your Workplace Giving donations could help.

$5 could go towards a treat for a new puppy best friend
Nothing beats puppy love. So it's no surprise a puppy best friend is one of the most popular wish types. Each wish is as unique as the child who imagines it. But there's something they often have in common — the companionship, support, fun and love that only a best friend brings. As well as a pup, Make-A-Wish provides all the essentials to ensure they have a happy and healthy start in their new home.
$10 could buy ice cream on a first family holiday
The little things in life often have the biggest impact. During the weeks, months and often years of treatment, there’s little opportunity for sick kids to just be kids, and enjoy moments other families take for granted. Something as simple as looking forward to having an ice cream on a family holiday can be a moment of joy that inspires wish kids.
$20 could go towards a wish coin
Every child receives a wish coin at the very start of their Wish Journey. It's a promise and physical reminder that their extraordinary wish will come true. Some kids sleep with the coin under their pillow, others wear it as a necklace. No matter how they keep their coin, for every child it becomes a powerful symbol of their wish.
More about Workplace Giving
Workplace Giving makes it easy for organisations and employees to make a life-changing difference together.
- As an individual - you're helping wishes come true every time you're paid. You contribute a small portion of your pre-tax salary and receive the tax benefit immediately.
- As an organisation - Payroll Giving is a great way to showcase your support for Make-A-Wish, engage your employees and inspire a positive workplace culture.
- For Make-A-Wish - Workplace Giving is one of the most efficient ways to donate. Your regular donations mean we can plan ahead and support sick kids when they need it most.
Want to know more? Visit our Workplace Giving page.
Call our team on 1800 032 260 or email workplacegiving@makeawish.org.au