Michael's hitting aces eight years on!
At 11, Michael dreamed of becoming a professional tennis player, after meeting his idol Roger Federer in 2016 anything felt possible. Eight years later Michael is still a huge tennis fan and is pursuing a career in sport!
Michael's starstruck moment
In 2016 Michael's wished to ask Roger Federer 'how did you become so good at Tennis?' The answer to that question still remains a secret as after watching Federer in an exhibition match, Michael and his family were able to talk to the champion, but a star struck 11-year-old stood in awe barely getting a word out!
For Michael's wish he was fully decked out in tennis apparel, the exact outfit Federer wore in the 2015 US Open. With a new outfit, and brand-new Federer approved tennis racquet in hand, Michael met his idol. Michael will forever hold onto the first moment the pair shared, when Federer called Michael his 'mini-me' and signed his prized racquet, of which years on has remained untouched, and soon to be framed!

He was as nice as anyone I have ever met, very humble and giving with his time, you can see why he is one of the most popular athletes of all time!
Michael, Wish Child
A dream pivots
11-year-old Michael dreamed of becoming a professional athlete, now 19, Michael's dreams and realistic expectations have shifted, but his passion for sport has never left.
"I always had the dream of being a sports commentator or journalist but that was sort of overshadowed with my dream to be a professional athlete, especially a tennis player," said Michael.
“Over time I realised that although I didn't have the talent like Federer and wasn't going to be a pro player, I still wanted to be in the environment with professional athletes and be in the inner circle with the best players in the world, so I made my main focus to be a journalist/commentator which was still a massive dream anyway.”
Michael is now pushing his own limits spending some time in front of the camera, as well as commentating school rugby and taking any opportunity to enhance his career.

Hitting goals!
Since his wish and recovery from acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, Michael has been hitting goals left, right and centre! Graduating from high school in 2021, he started university where he began a Media and Communications degree. Michael is now working casually on the radio and has been interviewed TWICE as a future Rugby League Journalist!
Don't worry, Michael is doing all of this while still carving up the courts. Participating in tennis tournaments reflecting back on the day where he met his idol!

My wish experience was something that I will remember for the rest of my days because it in a way bookended the toughest period of my life.
Michael, Wish Child