A wish puts a child back in control.
Every wish tells a story and the child is always the main character – not their illness. The whole experience is a result of their imagination. An expression of their personality – their interests and passions.
A wish puts a child back in control. It gives them the power to do anything they choose.

Sitting there waiting while Viker was in surgery, not knowing if he would make it through – it was like a worst nightmare. I couldn’t believe it was happening.
Emily Viker's mum
Hero's Journey
“Viker has this big scar on the side of his head, which I told him about, in case it gets commented on", says mum Emily, "You know what kids are like. It’s hard enough for him to fit in. His speech is improving now, but at the start, there was a language barrier.”
Critical illness takes so much away. For brave Viker, it’s taken away any choice about how he lives his life. And tragically, any control he has over his future. A critical illness can make a child feel like they’re lacking in some way – like they’re not as capable as other children or they’re somehow not as strong.

He badly wanted to make friends. Because he was so behind with his language, he couldn’t do it. He said things, but no one understood.
Emily Viker's mum
With Great Power...
But today, you can give some control back to a critically ill child. Your partnership will give them the power to do anything they choose.
And Viker’s wish to meet his hero Spider-Man is no exception. This little boy is now five-years-old and it’s hard to imagine going through anything more distressing.
At almost two-years-old, Viker underwent extensive brain surgery – to save his life. Viker was immediately diagnosed with a life-threatening brain tumour. To remove it, he needed intensive surgery. But the procedure was extremely high risk.
Even if Viker did survive, there was a chance of long-term damage.

Viker's Wish
Described as "quite a comedian", 5-year-old Viker shares in Spider-Man's sense of humour, as well as his moral commitment to catching bad guys and doing so in style.
"He likes to make people laugh and do silly dance moves," says Emily.
It's no surprise that for Viker's wish, he has chosen 'To have a huge adventure with Spider-Man!'
“It’s given Viker something to focus on, away from the hard times he’s been through. It’s offered some happiness and let him feel good about himself.”

Give now to empower a child with a wish
A wish can make a child feel so powerful. But today, you are the one with the power to grant a wish to more children like Viker, with your gift.
You can give them such an enduring feeling of hope and confidence.
Donate before 30 June to make more wishes come true.