Your friendly, neighbourhood Viker
Described as "quite a comedian", 5-year-old Viker shares in Spider-Man's sense of humour, as well as his moral commitment to catching bad guys and doing so in style.
"He likes to make people laugh and do silly dance moves," says Emily, Viker's mum.
Much like we've read in the comics and seen on the big screen, Peter Parker's cheeky personality and maneuvering skills have always been an admirable trait that has us cheering for our 'friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man'.
So it's no surprise that for Viker's wish, he has chosen 'To have a huge adventure with Spiderman!'

Viker's Medical Journey
At 21 months old, Viker lost his speech and began falling over often. When mum, Emily took him to Emergency, he was immediately diagnosed with a life-threatening brain tumour. He had to undergo intense, high-risk surgery.
“It was so difficult to see our baby like that, covered in tubes. He didn’t come out of the surgery well. He couldn’t sleep – he was just crying and crying.”
Ever since that first surgery, Viker has been going in and out of hospital. He needs regular brain scans, to check the tumour isn’t returning. He also has speech therapy and occupational therapy, to help him catch up with his development.

He badly wanted to make friends. Because he was so behind with his language, he couldn’t do it. He said things, but no one understood.
Emily Viker's mum
With Great Power...
"Blessed." This is how Emily feels knowing that her son's wish is coming true soon.
"I get quite emotional anytime I even start talking about it. I think it just brings up that whole thing, just that he's so lucky to receive a wish. It’s pretty incredible."
And while we agree with Spider-Man that 'with great power, comes great responsibility', Make-A-Wish also believes that 'a wish can empower a child through choice.'
Even though Viker's critical illness took away his ability to communicate and connect with other kids his age, deciding on his wish has already helped him to feel more empowered.

Give now to empower a child with a wish
Critical illness can take away so much from kids. It removes any choice about how they live their lives, and any control they have over their future.
By making a gift to Make-A-Wish, one of the most trusted Australian children's charities, you’re empowering kids like Viker to do anything they choose, through the power of a wish.
Please make a tax-deductible donation by 30 June.